We like to discuss the importance of “being in the moment.” And we tend to approach the concept from a very personal perspective, focusing on what we can gain in any given moment – be it physical, mental, spiritual.
What we don’t often acknowledge is what being in our moment means to the world around us.
We’ve been working on Lucy’s training, especially her behavior while on walks, for years. With focused attention, during time dedicated solely to her, she has greatly improved. And with each passing successful walk I feel more confident in my role as the Alpha.
Awhile back on one of our evening walks I noticed a man across the street walking his dog. He was completely oblivious to anyone or thing around him. His ear buds were in and his eyes were concentrated singularly on his phone. His dog was stretching the retractable leash dangerously far into the road and with that extended freedom the pup decided to take a lunge at Lucy. Surprised and frightened, Lucy lunged back. Unfortunately, the leash was wrapped around my fingers and I heard a crack as I fell to my knees. Truth be told, I started to cry like a baby. I turned to see the man walking up the sidewalk, still buried in his phone, oblivious to what had just happened, while I sat on the sidewalk, in the dark, crying with a broken finger.
This man had NO idea what had just happened because he was not even remotely in his moment. He was someplace else – focusing on something else – versus giving his dog, the walk and his surroundings the attention they all deserved. Aside from the fact his dog wasn’t benefitting from personal attention, what he didn’t – and won’t ever – realize is what happened to the person on the other side of the street.
Another example of this was when Joe and I were out on our new bikes over a holiday break. I’m certain, and simultaneously horrified, this happens a thousand times a day, but that day it happened to us. We were riding down the side of the road when I turned around to ask Joe which direction we were going and I noticed a car headed straight for him. The kid driving was – wait for it – texting on his phone. Head down, operating 2000 pounds of Detroit metal, NOT in his moment.
By the grace of God he looked up, swerved and the ending to this story immediately changed. Dramatically. Gratefully.
I’m sorry to sound like a downer, but a few very personal examples in a few short days prompted me to write this.
All of your actions somehow, someway, touch everyone and everything around you. Truly living and experiencing all this life has to offer begins by being in your moments. But remember, as important as those moments should be to you, they are equally as important to the well-being of the world around you.
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